Last week Safe Journey held its first seminar focusing on business agility. The seminar participants came from different companies at different stages of their agile journey. Some were just starting while others had come a long way.
We introduced Enterprise Business Agility & Agility Health platform developed by our partner Agile Transformation
Some of the participants used the Enterprise Business Agility radar assessing their own organisation. You can see the result in the radar.
The competencies which have a large grey area indicate different levels of maturity. On the other hand, competencies with a very small grey area indicate a similar level of maturity.
The red line shows the average score.
EBA Radar from Safe Journey’s Business Agility Seminar
A score of 7 or more (out of 10) is considered favorable, but it of course depends on your business goals.
From the Top 5 and Lowest 5 competencies overview, we saw that the competencies which cause the biggest challenges for our participants are: Devops & Continuous Delivery, Scaled Agile Planning, Funding & Governance, Agile Talent Management and Technical Excellence.
Top 5 Lowest 5 Competencies from Safe Journey’s Business Agility Seminar
Next step is to agree on which competencies are most important to improve next and what the initiatives are. The agreed improvements are captured in a growth plan, and the items are prioritised and included as backlog items in the relevant teams, incl. the leader and transformation team.
At the seminar our partner Yellow Intelligent also presented a case from the Netherlands showing how Team Health assessments can help agile teams and their leaders align on the most important areas to improve. It also showed how one competency area may affect several other competency areas both in a positive and negative direction.
We held this free seminar to inspire people in companies who have launched or is planning to launch initiatives to become more agile and competitive.
If you are interested in joining one of our next seminars in 2019 please contact us. We plan to hold a seminar in both Copenhagen and in Jutland.